All our intruder alarms are designed by our highly experienced team, each aspect of your premises will be evaluated and discussed with yourselves to highlight the weak points and the best way to secure your belongings.
Every alarm is different and every customer requires different needs, we can offer fully wired or wireless sysrems All with smart phone accessibility.
All our systems are fully recognised by the insurance companies.
With the installation of your system, we also offer the our exclusive maintenance packages, this helps keep the system fault free, working correctly and providing you with the peace of mind the your property and belongings are all safe and secure.
Thinking of having your intruder alarm monitored? We at UK-MS supply the opportunity for your alarm to be monitored by yourselves or via our highly recommended and experienced fully insured monitoring centre. Alerting you the second an intruder or fire is detected.
Keep your intruder and/or fire alarm covered 24/7 from our partners a CSL.